Fig. 28 shows a correct burner flame pattern. Fig. 29 shows an incorrect burner flame pattern with
lifting, and excessive flame height.
If burner flame is incorrect:
• turn heater off (see “To Turn Off Gas to Appliance”, page 20).
• see Troubleshooting, pages 23 through 26.
: Ambient flame burners produce both a blue and yellow flame. An excessively high yel-
low colored flame may be caused by airborne dust, dander, pet hair, etc. Additionally, an excess
amount of Mercaptane in the fuel can result in an orange or yellow colored flame.
The upper third of flame
may be bright yellow when
operated on propane.
When this heater is set for use on propane gas, the upper one third of the flame may be bright yellow.
When this heater is set for use on natural gas, a slight yellow tipping of the flame may occur.
Fig. 28 - Correct/Normal Flame Pattern
with short flames with Control Knob Set
to High Flame (5)
Fig. 29 - Incorrect/Abnormal Flame Pat-
tern with tall flames with Control Knob
Set to High Flame (5)
1/2 Height of rear
wall of the reflector
1/2 Height of rear
wall of the reflector