15-17 Mustang DW400 Fuel Pump Installation Guide
5 – install the supplied DW 3/8” tube onto the assembly filter inlet and slide on the two (2) supplied DW
hose clamps. Install the DW400 into the pump receptacle and install the supplied DW 1/8” hose onto the
venturi inlet receptacle of the assembly bucket
6 – install assembly center section into the assembly bucket and connect the 3/8” tube to the outlet of
the pump, then tighten the hose clamps. Slide the larger permanent clamp (13/32”) onto the hose and
crimp it in place (over the barbs) with a pair of side-cutters. Slide the smaller permanent clamp (11/32”)
on the hose and install the free end on the smaller venturi outlet on the pump. Crimp the clamp in place
under the barb
NOTE – removing the assembly top-hat from the assembly center section will allow for more room to
work to install the components