Pulse Driven Exposure (external): this is a "special" mode of operation in which the exposure of
the camera is set via a user-determined pulse. In the external (PDX) version of this mode, the user
supplies an external VRST_INT pulse – at the falling edge, the camera starts to integrate charge on
the CCD. When the pulse goes "High", the vertical counter within the camera is reset and frame
readout begins (it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that the "high" duration lasts for at least one
frame read-out (83 msec).
Pulse Driven Exposure (internal): this is a "special" mode of operation in which the exposure of the
camera is set by the low-duration of a user-determined pulse.
In the PDP internal version of this mode, the microprocessor that controls the RS232 interface
generates a periodic pulse with a user-defined "low" duration (TIL command) and a user-defined
"high" duration (TIH command).
In the PDI internal version of this mode, the microprocessor that controls the RS232 interface
generates a one-shot pulse on the user’s command with a user-defined "low" duration (TIL
command) followed by a "high" state until the next command.
Binning: The binning mode of the camera is set via the BIN command. There are five valid
arguments to this command {11, 21, 22, 44, 88}. When one of these commands is issued by the
host-side software, the mode control bits are set as shown in the table for 2
sec. The mode control
bits then revert to the setting (1 x x x) just prior to the binning command.
Command Code
Frame Size
Frame Rate
BIN 11
1 x 1 binning
1300(H) x 1030(V) 11.86f/sec (normal mode)
BIN 21
2 x 1 binning
1300(H) x 515(V)
BIN 22
2 x 2 binning
650(H) x 515(V)
BIN 44
4 x 4 binning
325(H) x 257(V)
BIN 88
8 x 8 binning
162(H) x 128(V)
Slow scan: The slow-scan mode of the camera is set via the SLW command. There are four valid
arguments to this command {01, 02, 04, 08}. When one of these commands is issued by the host-
side software, the mode control bits are set as shown in the table for 2
sec. The mode control bits
then revert to the setting (1 x x x) just prior to the binning command.
Command Code
Frame Rate
SLW 01
Fast pixel clock divided by 1
SLW 02
Fast pixel clock divided by 2
SLW 04
Fast pixel clock divided by 4
SLW 08
Fast pixel clock divided by 8