30 D-LX
13.5. CUL-Listing
13.6. FM-Listing
DURAG INDUSTRIE ELEKTRONIK GmbH & Co KG, Kollaustrasse 105, D-22453 Hamburg, Germany
55 Series Flame Monitor Systems. Types D-UV 55-10/1 (or 3)/115 (or 230), D-IO 55-10 (or 11, 20, 21)/1 (or 3)/115 (or 230), D-
IR 55-10/1(or 3)/115(or 230). Used with D-LE 55 UL-CG, D-LE 55 ISF-CG flame sensors or flame rods. Operate at 115 or 230 V
DURAG Flame Monitor System, Type D-LX 100 series (D-LX 100 UL-P, D-LX 100 UL-CG, D-LX 100 UL/95Ex, D-LX 100
UL/96Ex, D-LX 100 UA-P, D-LX 100UA-CG, D-LX 100 UA/95Ex, D-LX 100 UA/96Ex, D-LX 100 UAF-P, D-LX 100 UAF-CG, D-LX
100 UAF/95Ex, D-LX 100 UAF/96Ex, D-LX 100 IS-P, D-LX 100 IS-CG, D-LX 100 IS/95Ex, D-LX 100 IS/96Ex, D-LX 100 IG-P, D-
LX 100 IG-CG, D-LX 100 IG/95Ex, D-LX 100 IG/96Ex), (operating voltage: 24Vdc, flame failure response time can be adjusted by
DURAG between 1 sec and 3 sec, flame intensity output current 0-20mA or 4-20mA).
DURAG Flame Monitor System, Type D-UG110 control unit (operating voltage: 24/48/110/115/220/230 V ac, 50/60 Hz or 24/48
V dc, flame failure response time can be adjusted by DURAG between 1 and 4 sec, flame intensity output current 0-20 mA or 4-
20 mA).
DURAG Flame Monitor System, Type D-UG 660 control unit (operating voltage: 24/48/110/115/220/230 V ac, 50/60 Hz or
24/48 V dc, flame failure response time can be adjusted by the customer between 1 and 4 sec, flame intensity output current 0-20
mA or 4-20 mA). DURAG Flame Monitor System, Type D-UG120 control unit (operating voltage: 24 V dc or 115/230 V ac, 50/60
Hz when using a DURAG power supply D-NG 24/05, flame failure response time 1 sec, flame intensity output current 0-20 mA or
4-20 mA).
Flame scanner Type D-LE 103 series or D-LE 603 series for oil, gas, coal or wood flames (D-LE 103 UL-P, D-LE 103 UL-AP,
D-LE 103 UL-CG, D-LE 103 UL-MP, D-LE 103 UAF-P, D-LE 103 UAF-AP, D-LE 103 UAF-CG, D-LE 103 UAF-MP, D-LE 103 UA-
P, D-LE 103 UA-AP, D-LE 103 UA-CG, D-LE 103 UA-MP, D-LE 103 IS-P, D-LE 103 IS-AP, D-LE 103 IS-CG, D-LE 103 IS-MP, D-
LE 103 IG-P, D-LE 103 IG-AP, D-LE 103 IG-CG, D-LE 103 IG-MP, D-LE 603 UH-P, D-LE 603 UH-AP, D-LE 603 UH-CG, D-LE
603 UH-MP, D-LE 603 UH/95 Ex, D-LE 603 UH/96Ex, D-LE 603 US-P, D-LE 603 US-AP, D-LE 603 US-CG, D-LE 603 US-MP, D-
LE 603 US/95 Ex, D-LE 603 US/96Ex, D-LE 603 UAF-P, D-LE 603 UAF-AP, D-LE 603 UAF-CG, D-LE 603 UAF-MP, D-LE 603
UAF/95Ex, D-LE 603 UAF/96Ex, D-LE 603 UA-P, D-LE 603 UA-AP, D-LE 603 UA-CG, D-LE 603 UA-MP, D-LE 603 UA/95Ex, D-
LE 603 UA/96Ex, D-LE 603 UI-P, D-LE 603 UI-AP, D-LE 603 UI-CG, D-LE 603 UI-MP, D-LE 603 UI/95Ex, D-LE 603 UI/96Ex, D-
LE 603 IS-P, D-LE 603 IS-AP, D-LE 603 IS-CG, D-LE 603 IS-MP, D-LE 603 IS/95 Ex, D-LE 603 IS/96Ex, D-LE 603 IG-P, D-LE
603 IG-AP, D-LE 603 IG-CG, D-LE 603 IG-MP, D-LE 603 IG/95 Ex, D-LE 603 IG/96Ex, D-LE 603 ISE-P, D-LE 603 ISE AP, D-LE
603 ISE-CG, D-LE 603 ISE-MP, D-LE 603 ISE/95 Ex, D-LE 603 ISE/96Ex, D-LE 603 ISO-P, D-LE 603 ISO-AP, D-LE 603 ISO-
CG, D-LE 603 ISO-MP, D-LE 603 ISO/95 Ex, D-LE 603 ISO/96Ex.)
Flame scanner Type D-LE 603.../95Ex and compact flame monitor system D-LX 100.../95Ex are certified for use in hazardous
areas classified as Class I, Div. 1, Group B, C & D
Flame scanner Type D-LE 603.../96Ex and compact flame monitor system D-LX 100.../96Ex are certified for use in hazardous
areas classified as Class I, Div. 2, Group A, B, C & D