4. Select the songs or files you want to delete, this can be 1 file (highlighted in a darker
color), or many files (many are highlighted). To highlight many files, hold down the shift
button while pressing the down arrow on your computer. To select all the files in a directory,
press and hold down the Ctrl button then press the A button, this will highlight (darken all
the files).
5. After you have highlighted the files you want to delete, press the DELETE button on the
keyboard of the computer, the computer will ask you if you are sure to delete the selected
files, select
3-9 Transferring files and Music from your Computer to the MP-400
If you also want to download new files or music into your MP-400 player after
step 3-8
please do the following:
You can delete the Demo songs which are in the MP3 player (or any songs or files)
if you don
t like them and replace them with other songs you like.
2. Select the folders or songs or files
you want to copy to your MP-400.
3. After you have highlighted the
files you want to copy, click on
edit (next to file on top), click on
copy to folder (below edit).
4. Find the removable disc (such as
E:) and click on it to highlight it
for copying.
5. The file that is copying to your
MP-400 will show.
6. Aft er t his, your cop ying is
completed and your music is now
copied to your player.
1. Go to the folder that contains your files or music or by going up one
level to show
all directories, then select the proper directory letter.
Fig. 3-9-1 Transferring Files and Music
from your Computer to the MP-400
6/21/2005, 7:22 PM