4-2. Ripping Tracks from Music CDs
Windows Media Player can also help you to build up a media library by converting your
Audio CDs to WMA* format so that you can transfer them to your MP3 player. WMA* format
condenses the files to a smaller space so that more songs can fit into your MP3 player.
1. Insert a music CD into your computer.
2. Setup WMA music encoding options by: Tools > Options > Copy Music.
Adjusting the audio quality will allow more or less
songs to fit into your player. The sound will also be
better if it is a larger file (best quality) but you will
fit less songs into the player or your memory card.
Click CHANGE to select the
position you want the recorded
tracks to be placed.
Be sure not to select
Copy pro-
tect music
, otherwise the music
you recorded cannot be played
on your MP3 player, WMA music
with DRM protection is not sup-
ported by this MP3 player.
WMA Music with DRM Protection is not supported by this audio player.
8/29/2006, 10:14 AM