Page 3
Backplate supplied
with SGF Series Sensors
Assembly of three parts of the SGF’s Series sensor
OPTIONAL Socket connection with
cable gland for external mounting
on demand Art. ZSGF100
Socket assembly.
Place the probe as in the drawing,
and rotate in clockwise direction
WARNING! Actions to be taken in case of alarm
Oxygen “O2” is an odorless gas, colo
rless, slightly heavier than air (specific gravity of 1.1). The
air we breathe consists of 20,95% Oxygen.
Oxygen is not in itself a flammable gas but being a strong oxidant, it reacts with combustible and
reducing materials causing risks of fire and explosion because it enhances the combustion.
If the concentration of the O2 in air drops below 19.5%, it is considered deficient for health of pe-
ople, then if the concentration drops below 16%, it causes breathing problems until to cause the
asphyixia and below 6%, it causes the immediate death.
Oxygen deficiency can be caused by the increase in the air of other gases (toxic and / or flammable),
and also from the leaks of inert gases (nitrogen, helium, argon, etc.).
At high concentrations, over 24%, O2 is irritating to the respiratory tract and can cause effects on
the central nervous system, eyes and the lungs.
In either case, open doors and windows to increase the ventilation. If the alarm continues and the
cause can not be identified leave the bulding and, from the outside, to call emergency services.