Issue 02
Düker GmbH, www.dueker.de
3. Transport and storage
All valves must be carefully transported and stored.
The valves are fully enamelled or powder-coated. The coatings are shock-sensitive and must be
protected against impact stress.
The gaskets are sensitive to light: Unpackaged valves may only be exposed to bright daylight or
ultraviolet light for a very short time. This is why the openings are sealed with protective caps.
Valves must be stored in darkened rooms, in their original packaging with the protective caps.
In the event of storage over an extended period of time, the storage location should be frost-
protected, cool, dry, dark and free of dust. Alternatively, the valve may also be packed in order
to fulfill these conditions.
The valve should be stored on a pallet or similar support and only transported with suitable tools such as
wide straps to its designated point of installation. Do not use chains!
Installation into the pipeline
The Gate valve with the specified DIN length may only be welded into the pipeline in the "metal arc hand
welding process" (electrical welding). The welding studs comply with EN 12627.
All legal requirements, standards and specifications according to DVS
e.g. ISO 3834-1 "Quality requirements for fusion welding" shall be observed.
For the installation of valves into pipe systems, the same instructions apply as for the connection of pipe
system components. The following work steps must be observed:
Transport the valve to the point of installation in its protective packaging.
Remove all packaging materials from the valve.
Check valve for transportation damage. Damaged valves must not be installed.
Check coating for damages. The coating may be mended with a repair kit.
It needs to be ensured that nominal pressure and connecting dimensions of the valve are in
correspondence with the operating conditions. See marking on the valve.
Remove dirt and hard foreign matter from valve and pipelines prior to installation.
A functional test must be carried out prior to installation: The valve must shut and open properly.
The connections of the pipeline must be adjusted concentric to the valve.