Issue 02
Düker GmbH, www.dueker.de
1. Intended Use
After the installation into a pipe system, shut-off valves are only intended for stopping or allowing media to
pass within the range of the permitted operating conditions (temperature and pressure limit "PN" labeling on
the valve, unless stated otherwise).
Gate valves are used exclusively for open/closed operation in pipe systems.
We will not assume any responsibility for consequential damage caused by
unauthorised modification of the valve and the accessories supplied
improper operating or operating conditions
acts of God
2. Safety Precautions
2.1 General safety instructions
The same safety regulations apply for valves as for the pipe system in which they are installed. The
following instructions only include additional safety instructions to be observed for valves.
When using this valve, the generally recognized rules of good practice (standards, DVGW regulations,
VDI guidelines or other regulations valid at the place of installation) must be observed.
The valve must be professionally installed into the pipeline.