Main Controller Replacement Instructions:
TSC-6/18 and PBC-6/18
Remove the outer 4 corner retaining nuts that
mount the Main Control Module Assembly to
the inner controls panel.
Do not remove the center nuts or PCB cover of the Main Control
Module Assembly. Warranty may be voided if cover has been
removed or tampered with.
Using proper ESD procedures, remove the
replacement Main Control Module Assembly
from the shipping box. Visually inspect the new
Main Control Module Assembly for damage.
If damage is identified, do not install the new
control and immediately contact Duke Service
Department for instruction.
A display glass protector must be removed from
the new Main Control Module Assembly display
glass before installing. The protector is a clear
transparent plastic layer over the glass which is
easily removed by hand. Contact Duke Service if
you have question about the glass protector.
Remove Outer
Do not remove
2 Center Nuts
Remove Outer
To prevent static cling between the display
and overlay, lightly dust the display glass with
baby powder or talc powder. Gently remove
powder by brushing with a cosmetic brush (as
shown below). Do not wipe the display with
hands or any cloth as this may scratch the glass.
Additionally, do not put any powder on the
Repack the prior / damaged Main Control
Module Assembly in the ship packaging for
return shipment to Duke Manufacturing.
Remove the ESD Wrist Strap.
Turn ON the left side power switch and verify
the LED indicators on the new Main Control
Module PCB Assembly are active (viewed
through the rear cover window. The PCB LED’s
will activate as the control boots and while
running. Go to the Troubleshooting Guide if
LEDs do not activate.
emove the prior / damaged Main Control
Module Assembly from the mounting studs
and place the new replacement Main Control
Module Assembly. Verify the new Main Control
Module display is centered in the control panel
window. Reinstall the 4 retaining nuts and
reconnect the 2 PCB header connections.