Installation and Operation of: Product Name
Duke Manufacturing Co.
2305 N. Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102
Phone: 314-231-1130
Toll Free: 1-800-735-3853
Fax: 314-231-5074
Maintenance: Surface Cleaning and care
Stainless Steel Surfaces
For day-to-day cleaning, use non-abrasive tools. Soft cloths and plastic scouring pads will not harm the
passivated layer of stainless steel. Use non-chloride cleaners and cleaners without quaternary salts to avoid
pitting and rusting. Clean frequently to avoid build-up of hard, stubborn stains.
For oil and grease marks: remove oil or grease from stainless steel with hydrocarbon solvents such as meth-
ylated spirit (Bartoline is a common brand), isopropyl alcohol (i.e. rubbing alcohol) or acetone. Apply solvent
several times with a clean, non-scratching cloth until all oil or grease is removed.
For stubborn residue, stainless steel pads can be used. The scrubbing motion must be in the direction of the
manufacturer’s polishing marks (or grain).
Avoid mechanical abrasions to prevent rusting. Scratching damages the thin film that protects stainless
steel. Do not use steel pads, wire brushes, or scrapers.
Avoid substances and cleaners that contain chlorides or hydrochloric acid (muriatic acid). If these solutions
contact the surface, immediately rinse away with water.
Do not clean in excessive temperatures.
Stainless Steel will not corrode with proper care. If signs of corrosion appear, clean immediately. Use an
all-purpose lubricant, such as WD-40, to wipe affected stainless steel. Domestic stainless steel cleaners
containing calcium carbonate or citric acid, such as Citisurf 77 Plus, can also be used. Rinse thoroughly with
clean water.