The detection areas are independently adjustable each other, by geometry (lower PIR head orientable vertically), and by sensitivity
(trimmer). On frontal side, instead, there is a volumetric detection area with 180° opening and range up to 8 m, with sensitivity
adjustment (trimmer). The two detection sides can generate each one an independent zone alarm towards the control panel, and
they can be combined with the frontal side using the Anti-elusion function, which, once detected the movement on frontal side,
requires only one lateral PIR head to generate alarm.
In ideal environmental conditions, it is possible to have independent alarm from each side, although it is not recommended. The
frontal detection is not suitable in all environmental conditions, with risk of false alarms.
When the sensor is set to have alarm from frontal side, all the sides (right, left and frontal) are independent (PIR heads of each side
are in AND).
Each side of Moskito has a couple of IR detection heads: upper head (horizontal or far detection) and lower head (landward or near
detection). When in NORMAL, the sensor sends alarm only if both heads of one side are violated (AND).
Left and right lower heads can be oriented on three positions: this allows to avoid false alarms due to far crossings (i.e.: vehicles) or
Provided with anti-removal tamper based on double-accelerometer (without microswitch) and a protection visor, the detector allows
all functioning parameters setting by a practical series of dip-switch. TEST function independent for each side with led and acoustic
buzzer for a simple and quick installation. It can be mounted at a height between 100 and 140 cm and it has an impact resista nce at
maximum level (IK-10).
Auto-adjustment of parameters to outdoor temperature.
Detection area
NO detection