14 Wheel feeder and its post Height setting of the feeder and tension-
ing of the chain
The wheel feeder (1) is to be set in such a way that the points of its teeth
overtop the insert of the throat plate by X= 0.3 to 0.7 mm. When
sewing soft and thick materials, it is necessary to increase the value
X, until a good quality of feeding is attained, but only to the measure
of not deteriorating the beginning of sewing after the carried out thread
Set the height of the feed dog using a setting gauge.
With every correction of the teeth height, the tension of the chain (2) is
to be corrected.
Caution! Dangere of injury!
Switch off the main switch! Before starting the setting
operation, wait until the motor stops!
- Loosen the screw (3).
- Loosen the screw (4).
- Loosen or tighten the screw (5) and push simultaneously with
finger the feeder (1) downwards, until the required height of the
teeth X of the wheel feeder is attained.
- Tighten then still the screw (5) by 45
(1/8 revolution).
- Tension the tensioner (6) up to the stop. Be careful in side shifting it
to the centre of the chain. Tighten the screw (3).
- Loosen the screw (5) by 45
(1/8 revolution), into its original
position. In this way, the optimal clearance of the chain transmission
is attained.
- Tighten the screw (4).
- Correct the set height of the top roller according to the par. 3.5.4.
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