Information reported on the bus
Input section
As said above, DFANA-M module takes, inside
bus, up to 20 addresses, each one reporting the measure-
ments chosen during the setting up. The values reported at
the several addresses are expressed in the measured units
selected during the setting up, taking attention to the follow-
ing details:
the voltages are expressed in V multiplied by 10 (e.g. a
230.4V voltage will be sent on the bus as 2304)
the currents are expressed in A multiplied by 100 (e.g.
a current 22.65A will be sent on the bus as 2265)
the power factors are multiplied by 1000 and in two's
complement (so the range -1000 to +1000)
the active and reactive powers are given in two's com-
plement in the range -32768 to +32767
each energy counters takes 3 channels (48 bits), being
split in 3 parts (1-2, 3-4 and 5-6) to be combined as
described in a following paragraph
Output section
The module can feature 1 output address for resetting the
energy measurements and the hour-meter; this address
has to be enabled, if required, by the configuration panel as
described in the following. The output section, if enabled,
report 2 digital points forcing, when activated, the following
Point 1: reset the energy counters
Point 2: reset the hour-meter
DFANA-M configuration panel
The configuration panel available in BDTools and DCP IDE
allows the setting up of DFANA-M module as required.
The configuration of the module is performed through the
bus as described in the following.
When using DCP IDE, all DFANA-M modules installed in
the plant must be declared in the configuration of DFCP,
specifying the addresses as in the following example (sup-
posing to have a single DFANA-M module with base ad-
dress 22 and 3 used addresses, with output address en-
= (
From the main menu of DCP IDE select Configuration, En-
ergy Management, and then DFANA-M; the window in Fig-
ure 1 will be shown.
s.r.l. - Via Longhena, 4 - 20139 MILANO
Tel. 02/57300377 - Fax 02/55213686 –
Rel.: 1.2 April 2020
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Figure 1: DFANA-M configuration panel