Main A row suspension lines connect to A and A' (both red) risers. B row and
stabilo lines go to B riser (yellow), C lines go to C riser (neoprene black) and
D lines to D riser (blue), together with steering lines (through appropriate
Brake handles are attached to the steering lines at optimal point,
guaranteeing safe and effective operation. It is marked black on the main
brake line and this setting should not be changed. Fixing brake handles
above that point causes permanent braking of the paraglider which can
easily lead to an accident. Overly long brake lines are not advised either, as
total lack of strain can prove dangerous in some situations.
Brake handles used in Orca XX besides its attractive, light design, feature:
a swivel – preventing possible twisting of the steering line,
soft neoprene cover,
ACT (Adjustable Comfort Toggle), system with
adjustable loop size
3. Trimmers
Trimmer system consists of a trim shackles sewn into C and D risers, and
red regulation strap going through the shackles and fixed to risers with
rectangular connector link.
We have 3 main positions of the trimmers:
- full closed (slowest speed, minimum sink)
- neutral „0" (best take-off position)
- fully released (increased speed and sink)
During normal flight at neutral position all risers have equal length of 400
mm. Trim operation affects the B, C and D risers.
When trimmers are is fully opened, the D risers goes out to its maximum
possible length of 510 mm, while B and C proportionally less.
Make sure that both trim buckles are locked in the same position, otherwise
you will be constantly and unwillingly turning. It must be checked before
every launch!
Maximum speed is obtained when the trimmer tape is fully stretched.
The main goal of the trim is to adjust the paraglider speed to various loads,
depending on pilot and passenger weight (the weight range of a tandem
wing is greater than single-seater).