To sum it up:
greater take-off weight
trimmer more closed,
lesser take-off weight
trimmer more opened.
The other goal of the trimmer is adjusting the speed during flight, accordingly
to your needs and changing conditions.
Before the launch connect the risers to the tandem spreader bars with main
carabiners. Then have a check that the trim operation is not limited.
It is advised to set the trimmers at neutral “0” position for the launch, thus
improving canopy inflation. This position is also most universal to fly within
standard load of the paraglider.
To close the trim (and slow down) just pull the trim tab down. The shackle
will change its position and remain still in new place.
Completely closed trimmers can be used for thermalling, given that you do
not fly near maximum load. In turbulent air this could lead to a deflation or a
In order to open it (and fly faster) you should grab the shackle, push the
knob with your thumb and thus allow the trim to move up.
By releasing the trimmers you increase the airspeed. Such configuration is
especially needed when flying against strong headwind or seeking next
Orca XX stays calm even at completely released trimmers and full speed.
Whenever you do adjust trim settings, always remember to do it
4. Harnesses and spreader bars
When flying an Orca XX you can use any certified harnesses and spreader
bars that will make both pilot and passenger feel safe and comfortable.
Typical passenger harnesses have simple design, so as not to hinder the
pilots' movements. Harness for the pilot should be equipped with divided
seating and proper tandem rescue system. The spreader bars must allow
various hangpoint configurations, in order to compensate pilot and
passenger weight differences.
Please note that changing distance between seat plate and hangpoint
greatly influences position of the brake handles in relation to pilot's body.
Therefore you must always remember that the handling characteristics and
stall point can vary with different hangpoint configurations.