Big Ears
You can deflate the wing tips
simultaneously pulling down the A' risers
(red band) by approximately 50 cm.
With big ears pulled the paraglider will fly
straight, albeit with increased sink (max 5
m/s). If you keep the risers in hands, the
paraglider can be steered with
In the Orca 5 risers, we have used the Big
Ears Keeper (BEK) system, which allows
you to block the line in a special cleat sewn
at the right angle to the D row riser. This
allows you to keep the ears engaged for
any time, maintaining the possibility of full
flight control with regular steering. To use
the system, just insert the A' line into the
cleat. Check carefully that the line is
correctly tightened and will not accidentally
slip out.
After removing the line from the cleat in
dynamic air, the wing usually inflates itself
automatically. When necessary it can be
assisted by a long pumping motion until the
tips unwind.
When flying with Big Ears pulled
down avoid hard steering, since the canopy
in such configuration has shorter steering
paths and you can stall or spin it much
easier than normally.
To enter a B-stall you have to
simultaneously pull both B-risers (yellow)
down by 10 - 20 cm. The wing collapses on
its entire span along B-row, the airflow over
the top surface will break and the canopy
projected surface will be significantly
reduced. Forward speed will die and you
will be descending almost vertically.
Further pulling of the B-risers is not
advised, as the wing instability can grow.
This manoeuvre is rather hard to execute
on the Orca 5 due to great forces required
to pull in the B riser.
To exit a B-stall, the risers should
be released in a smooth and decisive
On quick and symmetrical releasing B-lines
the airflow will be reinstated and the wing
will surge forward, returning to normal
flight. If the canopy forms a horseshoe with
the wingtips in front of you, gently apply
both brakes to recover.