Gcom520 SMS Programming Codes
Default Administration Password (P/W) = 123456 (Can be changed to Alpha Numerical) (See note 2 below)
Default for Operator PIN = 999999
Max tel. number size =
16 Digits (Use international format e.g. +27831231234)
Note that all SMS commands must always finish with a “;” (semi-colon)
Parameter Settings Table
PGM Parameter
Admin P Code Data
Change Admin default Password (P/W) Old P/W, A1A, or CPWORD, New 6 character password; 123456
Change 6 digit Operator PIN
Old PIN, A1P, or COPIN, New 6 digit Operator PIN; 999999
Change device name
Password, D1A, or DEVNAME, Device name; (max. 20 characters)
Change device number Password, D2A, or DEVNUM, Tel. number;
Add a SMS recipient Password, ADDRECIP1, Tel. number;
or ADDRECIP2, etc.
Tel. number; (max. 6)
Delete a SMS recipient Password, DELRECIP1,
Tel. number;
Add a gate access number Password, F2A, or ADDNUM,
Tel. number; (See note 4 below)
Delete gate access number Password, F2D, or DELNUM,
Tel. number;
Enable security mode
Password, F3E; or SECURITY ON;
Disable security mode Password, F3D; or SECURITY OFF;
Enable daily SMS status report Password, F4E; or STATUS ON;
Disable daily SMS status report Password, F4D; or STATUS OFF;
Daily SMS status report time Password, F4T, or STAT TIME, hh:mm; (24 hour format)
Request status report Password, F4S; or STATUS;
Request Configuration report Password, F4C; or CONFIG;
Enable power up report Password, F5E; or POWERUP ON;
Disable power up report Password, F5D; or POWER OFF;
Power up report to recipient 1 Password, F5S; or SMSALL OFF;
Power up report to ALL recipients Password, F5A; or SMSALL ON;
Manually set the internal clock
Password, TIME;
Manually request remaining airtime Password, AIRTIME;
Reset the Gcomm to factory default Password, DEFAULT;
Set relay control to missed call
Password, F7P; or RELAY MCALL;
Input (IP1) alarm delay
Password, DELAY1,seconds; (1-999 max. seconds)
2 sec.
Input (IP2) alarm delay
Password, DELAY2,seconds; (1-999 max. seconds) 2 sec.
Input (IP1) alarm message
Password, ALARM1,message;
(max. 50 characters)
Input (IP2) alarm message
Password, ALARM2,message;
(max. 50 characters)
Request software upgrade
Password, SW UPDATE;
Change relay1 pulse time
Password, TRIGTIME;seconds; (1-99 max. seconds)
1 sec.
Auto close override - GATE open Password, OPEN;
Use relay 1
Auto close override - GATE close Password, CLOSE;
Use relay 1
Operators Commands
---------------------------------------------------------------------(Can use Oper. PIN or Password)
Pulse relay 1
Oper. PIN, RELAY1 PULSE,second; (max. 99 seconds)
1 sec.
1) The 6 character password is case sensitive. All other text is not case sensitive.
2) When the customised alarm message is a command to another Gcom520 – terminate the line with a comma and a
Semi-colon e.g. 123456,RELAY1 ON,123456,PULSE;
3) See the “MY GCOM MANAGER” portal at
for convenient device setup and management.
4) Add a gate access number, EG:
123456,27831234567; for unlimited vehicle access.
or 123456,27831234567,07:00,16:00; for limited access 7 days a week.
or 123456,27831234567,07:00,16:00,0000010,V; for limit vehicle access 1 day in a week. (Saturdays)
5) The 6 character Admin Password is case sensitive. All other text is not case sensitive.
6) For gate open wiring, use RELAY 1, miss call mode.