ULE Starter Kit User’s Manual
June 2015
Interfacing the DHX91 EVB ULE Node to your MCU
Now you are ready to drive the ULE Node with YOUR MCU. You will need to bypass the RS232
connector and IC on the EVB and configure your UART driver for appropriate protocol – both
described below. You can also reconnect the AMP2_OUT from the Wakeup Button and connect to an
IO from your MCU for triggering wakeup of the ULE Node.
UART connection on the DHX91 EVB
Remove JP21,22 and connect RxD and TxD from external MCU to GPIO9 and GPIO10
Configuration of UART Communication
UART protocol settings are as follows:
Baud rate: 115200K bps (configurable)
Data: 8 bit
Parity bit: None
Stop bit: 1 bit
Network byte order: Big Endian
Flow control: Enable/Disable (at compilation time, optional). Recovery from message loss should be done in
higher layers.
JP21 & 22