Section 1 - Introduction
1.1 Features
The SG-DRL3-IP performs similar functions to the SG-DRL3 line card.
The SG-DRL3 line card receives alarm information from a control panel
over a telephone line. The SG-DRL3-IP line card receives alarm informa-
tion from panels over a LAN/WAN or internet network.
The System III receiver can be configured to use SG-DRL3 line cards,
SG-DRL3-IP line cards or a combination of the two. Refer to the
System III Installation Manual
for additional information.
SG-DRL3-IP line card features include the following:
• Provides higher line security than conventional dial up panels
with the polling feature.
• Quicker transmission since dialing or handshaking is not
• The control panel is the originator of the signals and as such
will be the one requesting the ACK from the central station.
• Network trouble detection is displayed on LCD/Printer and
automation software.
• Disconnect trouble detection.
• Static IP for programming of the network protocols.
• Data network polling environment for replacement of an exist-
ing DVACS network. Meets the 90 second ULC requirement for
this option.
• SIA event descriptors are used when transmitting information
to the central station from the control panel through the PC-
Link connection.
• A security function communicates to the central station when a
module is removed and replaced.
The SG-DRL3-IP can only receive data from the following
* UL/ULC Lisdted
The SG-DRL3-IP Receiver Module is
compatible with the T-LINK
TL100.DVACS support on the T-LINK TL250/TL300 v1.10 or higher is
only compatible with the SG-DRL3-IP v1.1x or higher.
The T-LINK TL300 Contact ID is only compatible with the SG-DRL3-IP
V1.2x or higher.
1.2 Support Software
1.2.1 System III Console Software
The line card options must be changed through the CPM3 or using
System III Console v2.30 (or higher) Software. The System III Console
software provides support for the SG-DRL3 and SG-DRL3-IP line
cards. Refer to the
SG-System III Installation Manual
for details.
1.2.2 T-LINK Console Software
The T-LINK Console v1.20 software is a stand-alone application that
provides centralized support for the management and control of
TL250/TL300 product line and SG-DRL3-IP line cards including:
• Generation and deployment of unique encryption keys to IP
• Remote setup, control and TCP/IP configuration of the SG-DRL3-
IP and T-LINK TL250/TL300 accounts.
• Local and remote programming of T-LINK TL250/TL300 devices.
• Software updates to T-LINK TL250/TL300 devices using TFTP
(Trivial File Transfer Protocol).
• The T-LINK Console v1.20 updates T-LINK TL250/TL300 using
TFTP session
• The T-LINK accounts table and data encryption keys will be stored
in the local database.
Refer to the
T-LINK Console User Manual
for details.
1.3 System Overview
The SG-DRL3-IP (UDP) Receiver Module functions as a LAN or WAN
server to many remote clients (the transmitters). The SG-DRL3-IP
receiver module receives alarm events from the transmitter/panel (or
from the transmitter when the transmitter is in standalone mode)
and forwards them to the CPM3 for subsequent output to the
printer and automation outputs.
After a receiver module has been configured and installed, it will run
on a predefined port and await communications from transmitters
which have been configured to connect to that specific receiver.
When communication has been established, the transmitter will
enter its normal operating mode (waiting for panel polls, transmit
heartbeat signals, alarm messages and DLS/SA download messages).
The SG-DRL3-IP will log the connection and generate the appropri-
ate connection event for forwarding to the CPM3.
When an alarm message is generated, the transmitter will send the
message in a UDP/IP/Ethernet frame and pass it along to the receiver
(this communication can be optionally encrypted - reference trans-
mitter documentation to determine if encryption is supported by the
device). When an alarm message is received from the transmitter/
panel, the receiver will strip off the UDP/IP/Ethernet frame and
decrypt the message. It will then send an appropriate response (ACK
or NAK) back to the transmitter/panel. The timing will follow the
standard timing requirements of the panel. If the message was a
valid alarm event, the event will be sent to the appropriate con-
nected printer and automation devices.
The SG-DRL3-IP Receiver Module receives heartbeats from all network
supervision enabled transmitters periodically. This allows the receiver
to determine whether the transmitters are still online. The receiver
maintains a table of all installed transmitters and monitors their status
(presence/absence, installed software versions, MAC addresses for
swap detection purposes, and other network statistics).
The SG-DRL3-IP Receiver Module can be programmed with various
configuration parameters and options, including receiver IP address,
receiver sub net mask, and default gateway address. Configuration
parameters are password protected. The default password can be
changed during initial installation for maximum security.
The SG-DRL3-IP Receiver Module is programmed with a globally
unique MAC address during production. This MAC address is NOT
Each SG-DRL3-IP Receiver Module can monitor up to a maxi-
mum of 1536 account of which 512 accounts can be supervised.