To confirm the Escort5580 module is connected properly to the control panel, perform the
1. Press [*] [8] [Installer Code]
- enter Installer Programming
2. Press [903]
- enter Module Supervision Section
If you are using an LED Keypad, Light #24 should be on. This means the module is con-
nected properly and in communication with the panel via the Keybus. If you are using an
LCD Keypad, scroll through the display. The keypad will show each module enrolled on
the system. It will read ’Escort5580’ if the enrollment has been successful.
If the enrollment has been unsuccessful, remove power, check all wiring between the con-
trol panel and the Escort5580. Once any wiring problems have been resolved, reconnect
power, repeat this STEP 3, or see
Escort5580 Installation Manual, Section 2.4
Connecting the X-10 Power-line Interface (Model PSC-04)
Plug one end of the 6’ connector cord into the jack on the Escort5580 and the other end
into the X-10 PSC-04 Power-line Interface. Plug the X-10 PSC-04 Power-line Interface unit
into an unswitched, 110 Volt outlet.
Installing the X-10 Control Modules
The two X-10 Lamp (Control) Modules supplied with this kit plug into a 110 Volt outlet near
the lights that you wish to control. The Escort5580 can control any incandescent light
plugged into a Lamp Module.
Lights plugged into the X-10 Control Modules will also operate normally by turning the indi-
vidual light switch on and off. The light fixture switch must be left in the ‘on’ position in order
for the control functions to operate.
Other types of X-10 Control Modules are available from your local distributor. These include
Wall Switch and Appliance modules.
Each X-10 Lamp Module must have a unique ID or code
for independent operation. The ID number has two com-
a letter from A to P (‘House Code’)
a number from 1 to 16 (‘Unit Number’).
Using a screwdriver, set any ID (House Code & Unit
Number) you want by turning the two dials on the front of
the module.
In Appendix B of the
Manual, find the House
Code and Unit Number
that you have selected for
each module. Write down
the three digit number
found to the left of the code (use the space below). This is the number that you will use
when programming the Escort5580.
Record Module Information Here:
Appendix B
A U T O M A T I O N I T E M H O U S E C O D E S & U N I T N U M B E R S
A 1
A 2
A 3
A 4
M 14
M 15
M 16
N 1
D 5
D 6
D 7
D 8
G 8
G 9
G 10
G 11
J 11
J 12
J 13
J 14
Module Location
(House & Unit Number)
Programming Code
(From Appendix B)
Module # 1
Module # 2