Any 3-digit code using numbers 0 through 9, as well as * and # can be selected. HOW-
VICE CODE SUCH AS 911, 411, 611 OR 0XX
NOTE: For UL Listed Installations, Local Access Only must be enabled (See Programming
Section [021])
Programming Lockout
The 4-digit service code (default 5580) is used when programming the Escort5580. A new
code can be programmed at Programming Section [001].
To further safeguard against unauthorized access to the Escort5580, you may choose to
activate the Local Programming Lockout Counter. To do so, go to Programming Section
[005]. Note that the default value is 000, meaning that this feature is disabled. To enable
the Lockout feature, enter a value from 001 to 255. The number you enter will represent the
number of invalid service code entries the system will tolerate before going into Lockout
If you have activated the Local Programming Lockout Counter you must also advise the
system of the desired duration of the lockout. Enter the desired number of minutes (from
001 to 255) at Programming Section [006].
Once the Escort Code has been successfully entered, the Escort5580 will announce,
‘Enter Your Access Code’.
Within 10 seconds, enter a valid access code.
The Escort5580 will begin to announce the status of the system.
NOTE:The system has a default library of voice words that are used to announce the status
of the system. For example ‘Zone 3’, ‘Mode 4’, ‘Partition 2’, etc. These identifiers are
referred to as ‘Labels’. Labels can be customized for each application. Up to 6 words can
be programmed for any zone label.
Telephone Calls
While On-Line With
the Escort5580
Should an incoming telephone call be registered while you have accessed the system
with an on-site telephone, the Escort5580 will announce, ‘Attention. You have an incoming
call. To receive the call, press pound now.’
You may relinquish control of the Escort5580 and answer the incoming call by pressing
[#]. This action will automatically connect you to the incoming call.
There is Lots More
You Can Do
The actual number of applications is limited only by your imagination. In order to com-
pletely familiarize yourself with all possible applications, take time to thoroughly study the
Escort5580 Installation Manual and its Programming Worksheets.