4.4 Page Listens To All
Ref #: [001601]
Enable the
Page Listn All
option to allow all stations which hear pages to
respond without having to press the Page/Answer button. If the page is
answered, normal page activity will take place. If the page is not answered,
it will time out after 30 seconds. See also 3.2 “Page Listens To All” on page 7.
4.5 Handsfree Doorbell Answer
Ref #: [001601]
Enable the
Handsfree Dr
. option to allow all stations which hear doorbell
pages to respond without pressing Page/Answer. As well, visitors initiating
the doorbell page will be heard on all other stations which hear pages. If the
doorbell page is not answered, it will time out after 30 seconds.
4.6 Verbal Alarm Options
If you have installed an Escort4580 v1.3 on the system, when zones go into
alarm the Escort will announce the labels for those zones over the intercom
system. The alarm announcement will be as follows:
• an alarm tone
• verbal announcement of the first zone in alarm
• verbal announcement of the latest zone in alarm
• series repeats until alarms are silenced.
You can program two options on the PC4936 to customize the verbal alarm:
Alarm Tone Time
Ref #: [001602]
Program the length of time the alarm tone will sound before the zone label is
announced. Default is 015, valid entries are 000-255 seconds. If programmed
for 000, no alarm tone will sound.
Bells Active During Verbal Alarm
Ref #: [001601]
If the
Bel. Verbal Alm
toggle option is on, the system bells will sound
throughout the verbal alarm announcement. If this option is off, the system
bells will sound during the alarm tone, but will pause while the Escort
announces the label(s) of the zone(s) in alarm.
4.7 Zone Port Assignment
Ref #: [001606]
When the Central Station Talk/Listen-In feature operates, the panel will
automatically turn on the station closest to the alarm. For this to operate
properly you must program the Zone Port Assignment to tell the panel
which zone is closest to each station. When the communication link is estab-
lished the central station operator will hear input from the station closest to
the alarm.
Program the Zone Port Assignments even if zone alarms are not
used. Tampers, Openings and Closings, and all other events will not
function if ports are not assigned to zones.