[42] Communication Variables
Enter four 2-digit numbers in this section; do not press the [#] key while entering data.
Swinger Shutdown (number of transmission)
This value defines the number of attempts (alarm and restoral pairs) per zone that the communicator will make
before it shuts down for that zone (“swinger shutdown”). Program a 2-digit number form 00 to 99. When
programmed as 00, the communicator will not be shut down and all alarms will be transmitted. Note that fire
zones cannot be shut down; they will always transmit.
Delay Before Transmission (Burglary Zones Only)
This value defines the delay before transmission. The delay is for zones defined as burglary zones only; 24-hour
zones and fire zones will not be delayed. Program a time from 00 to 99 seconds.
AC Failure Communication Delay (minutes)
This value determines the delay, in minutes, before an AC failure is reported. Program a number from 01 to 99.
Test Transmission Cycle (days)
This value determines the period in days between test transmissions. Program a number from 01 to 99.
[43] Test Transmission Time of Day
Program the time of the test transmission in this Section. Enter a 4-digit time using the 24-hour clock format (HH:MM).
Valid entries are from 00 to 23 for the hours (HH), and 00 to 59 for the minutes (MM).
If a test transmission is unsuccessful, a Failure to Communicate Trouble (indicated with Zone Light 5) will
be generated. Note that the Test Reporting Code will not be transmitted with the next successful communication.
[44] Communicator Format Options
This section sets the type of format which will be sent to each of the two telephone numbers programmed in
Sections [30] and [32]. For each telephone number, enter a 2-digit number from the list below. Valid entries are
from [00] to [11]; do not enter any other values.
The selection for each phone number is determined by the type of receiver being called. Enter the format number
for the First telephone number first. It is necessary to program both telephone format numbers even if the first
phone number is the only one being used.
Silent Knight / Ademco Slow, 10 BPS, 1400 Hz handshake
Sescoa, Franklin, DCI, Vertex, 20 BPS, 2300 Hz handshake
Silent Knight Fast, 20 BPS, 1400 Hz handshake
Radionics, 40 BPS, 2300/1400 Hz handshake
Radionics, 40 BPS, 2300/1400Hz handshake with parity
Sescoa Super Speed
Silent Knight / Ademco Slow, 10 BPS, 1400 Hz handshake, extended
Sescoa, Franklin, DCI, Vertex, 20 BPS, 2300 Hz handshake, extended
Silent Knight Fast, 20 BPS, 1400 Hz handshake, extended
Radionics, 40 BPS, 2300/1400 Hz handshake, extended
Radionics, 40 BPS, 2300/1400 Hz handshake, with parity, extended
Sescoa Super Speed with identified openings and closings
10 BPS and 20 BPS Formats
10 BPS
is the standard slow format used on Silent Knight/Ademco receivers.
DATA = 1900Hz
KISSOFF = 1400Hz
20 BPS
is the standard fast format used on DCI, Franklin, Sescoa and Vertex receivers.
DATA = 1800Hz
KISSOFF = 2300Hz
Radionics Format
For conventional 3/1 Radionics format the communications mode should be set to either Radionics rounds [09] or
Radionics parity [10]. The extended version of the Radionics format is normally used. The following guidelines
have been provided to help in configuring the PC2525 for Radionics format.
The customer account code must be only 3 digits with a zero making up the 4th digit (for example, program
1230 for account code 123).
The zone alarm reporting codes must all be single digit numerical codes with no extended 2nd round being
sent. The zero in the 2nd digit of the reporting code tells the PC2525 not to send an extended round.