[00] Binary Programming
This section is normally used upon instruction from factory
technical personnel for specialized programming not covered
by the standard programming instructions.
1st Phone Number
This is the first telephone number the Communicator will dial.
See Section [25], Communicator Call Direction.
After entering Section [01] for programming, enter the
telephone number the same way you would dial it on a touch-
tone phone. Press [#] after the last digit to complete the
telephone number programming.
A second dial tone search, as required in a PBX system, can
be added by programming a HEX ‘D’ between the digits in the
phone number where it is required. To enter a HEX ‘D’, press
] then [4] then [
Instead of a dial tone search, a pause of 4 seconds can be
inserted between digits in a telephone number.
Enter [
, 2,
] to dial a ‘
’ (HEX ‘B’)
Enter [
, 3,
] for a 4-second pause (HEX ‘C’)
The total number of digits, including dial tone searches and
pauses, must not exceed 16. Remember, press [#] to
complete entry of the telephone number.
When complete, enter two digits to program another section.
[02] 1st Account Code
The 1st Account Code is always transmitted to the 1st
telephone number to identify the customer. Enter a 4-digit
number. If the HEX digits ‘A’ to ‘F’ are required, remember
to enter [
] before and after the digit entry.
Where a zero is required in the account code, enter HEX ‘A’
, 1,
) to transmit 10 pulses which will be interpreted as a
zero by the monitoring station receiver.
If a 3-digit code is required, as in 3/1 formats, enter [0] as the
LAST digit. The [0] represents a null digit where no pulses are
[03] 2nd Phone Number
This is the second telephone number to which the
communicator will dial. See [01] for programming instructions.
[04] 2nd Account Code
The second account code is always transmitted to the 2nd
telephone number. See [02] for programming instructions.
Reporting Codes [05] to [10]
These sections are used to program the communicator
reporting codes. A reporting code is transmitted along with
the account code with each transmission. If the reporting
codes are not programmed, no transmission will be sent
when an event takes place (i.e. alarm, restoral, opening /
closing, trouble, etc.). To prevent a transmission from being
sent for any event in the following sections, leave it
unprogrammed or enter [00] as the reporting code.
Section [05] and [06] each have 6 reporting codes. Sections
[07], [08] and [10] each have 7 reporting codes, while
Section [09] has 8 reporting codes. Once a section is
entered, the system expects a series of 2-digit numbers to be
entered. The keypad beeps twice and the “Armed” light
flashes after each 2-digit entry. After the last 2-digit number
is entered, programming of the current section is complete.
The keypad gives a series of beeps, the “Ready” light goes
OFF and the “Armed” light comes ON. The keypad is then
ready to accept the next 2-digit section number for
When changing reporting codes in a section, you can scroll
to the code you wish to change by pressing the [F] key. Only
codes actually changed will be altered in the EEPROM.
Press [#] to exit from the programming sequence.
Zone Alarm Reporting Codes
Once Section [05] is entered, the panel expects 6 2-digit
numbers for the Alarm Reporting Codes for zones 1 to 6.
These codes are used by the communicator when there has
been an alarm on zones 1 to 6.
Listed below are several programming examples and the
resulting transmission using different formats for the reporting
codes. Obtaining different formats requires entering data in
the Account Code Section [02] or [04], the Reporting Code
Sections [05] to [10], and the Communicator Format Section
3/1 FORMAT - Non-extended reporting
• 3-digit account code in sections [02] or [04].
i.e. Enter 1230 for account code 123
• Format Code [0], [1], [2], [3], [4] depending on
receiver type in Section [23].
• Single line digit Alarm Reporting Code Section [05]
i.e. Enter [30] for single digit code 3 (0 = no pulses)
123 3
4/2 FORMAT - Non-extended reporting
• 4-digit account code in sections [02] or [04].
i.e. Enter 1234 for account code 1234
• Format Code [0], [1], [2], [3], [4] depending on
receiver type in Section [23].
• 2-digit Alarm Reporting Code in Section [05]
i.e. Enter [31] for 2-digit code 31
1234 31
3/1 FORMAT - Extended reporting
• 3-digit Account Code in Section [02] or [04]
i.e. Enter 1230 for code 123
• Format Code [8], [9], [A], [B], [C] depending on
receiver type in Section [23]
• 2-digit Alarm Reporting Code in Section [05]
i.e. Enter [31] for 2-digit code 31
123 3
2nd ROUND 333 1
If a transmission is not wanted for a particular reporting code,
then enter ‘00’ or ‘FF’ to disable that reporting code.
Zone Restoral Reporting Codes
These reporting codes are used by the communicator to
transmit zone restorals for zones 1 through 6. Use instructions
in Section [05] above as a guide for programming.
Содержание PC-LINK9