Section 5: Using Advanced Functions
This section describes how to perform more specialized functions: turning off spe-
cific detectors (bypassing zones), turning the door chime on or off, checking sys-
tem troubles, and testing your system.
Turning Off
Part of Your
Sometimes, you may need to temporarily turn off a detector:
• if you need to go into a protected area while the system is turned on
• or, if a detector is temporarily out of service but you need to turn on the system
This is called “bypassing”. When you bypass a detector, it
will not
turn on the next
time you turn on your system.
Detectors (zones) cannot be bypassed once the system is on. Bypasses on detec-
tors are automatically cancelled each time the system is turned off. You must
bypass the detectors again, if required, before you turn the system on again.
1. Start with the system turned off. Press
2. If the system asks for your [access code], enter it now.
3. Enter the two-digit number (01-32) of the detector you want to turn off (bypass).
The system will announce the zones (detectors) that are bypassed: “There are
(number) zones bypassed: {Zone XX}, etc...To exit, press [#].”
To find out the number of a detector, check in
Zone Information
on page
4. To turn a detector back on, enter the two-digit number of the zone (01-32).
The system will return the zone to normal status and the zone will be ON when
the system is next armed.
The system will announce any other zones (detectors) which are bypassed:
“There are (number) zones bypassed: {Zone XX}, etc...To exit, press [#].”
5. When you are finished turning off detectors, press
6. The next time you turn on your system, the bypassed detectors
on. When you turn your system off again, all zones will return to normal (they
will not be bypassed).
Bypassed detectors will not be able to sound an alarm - this reduces
your level of security. If a detector is not working, call a service technician
immediately so that the problem can be resolved and your system returned
to proper working order.
For security reasons, your installer may program the system to pre-
vent you from turning off certain detectors (for example, smoke detectors).
If you have 24-hour zones on your system, they will stay bypassed
until you turn off the bypass using the steps above (ask your installer for
more information).