Operating Instructions
Chart 2
Starting a fire
1. Turn switch on top of control box to on.
2. Push 60 minute timer start button. See page 7, Fig. 7 for start button location.
3. Turn on auger. Set auger speed to high setting and fill stoker pot to top ring. Turn off auger.
4. Bury stoker starter package in center of pot with just the fuse exposed. Or wrap shavings or saw
dust in news paper and partially bury in coal.
5. Use torch or lighter to ignite stoker starter or newspaper.
6. Turn combustion blower on high.
7. Wait till well started then add more coal to top of shavings and newspaper package.
8. When you have blue flames coming off of stoker pot, turn on auger and set combustion blower and
auger speed setting to desired heat setting. Adjust thermostat to desired heat setting. See Chart 2
9. Must empty ash pan before it overflows. Empty ash pan regularly.
Adjusting The Coal Feed Rate
1 The coal feed rate determines the output of the furnace. See chart below.
2 The coal feed rate is adjusted by changing the RPM's of the auger. This is done by adjusting the
auger speed control up or down.
3 You may need two feed rate settings. One for spring and fall and one for winter time. During the
heating season, the feed rate will have to be raised to provide sufficient heat for load conditions.
This feed rate may cause outfire conditions during the time you are only maintaining pot fire for
warmer seasons. See outfire section. It is recommended to record both spring/fall and winter
combustion air and coal feed rate settings for easy reference.
Adjusting The Air Supply
1 Whenever the coal feed rate is adjusted, the air supply setting needs to be adjusted as well. See
chart below. These are approximate settings and may vary according to draft conditions and coal
quality. The numbers on the auger speed control are not intended to coincide with the numbers on
the blower speed control.
2 It may be necessary to adjust the air supply a few times to find the desired setting. With a proper
adjusted fire there will be approximately a 2” wide ash ring around outside of burner ring with a
small dark circle in the center of the pot. This is the fresh coal entering into the bottom center of
the pot. With too much air, the fire bed will tend to develop cracks. The dark spot in the center of
the pot will disappear. With too little air, the ash ring will be very small, hot and dark, falling off the
burner ring into the ash pit and the dark spot at the center ring will be large.
3 Some unburned coal in the ash is normal and indicates a well adjusted fire for maximum
efficiency. This amount must be small. Excess unburned coal indicates poor air/feed adjustment or
a poor grade of coal. In some cases, what appears as unburned coal may be slate or other foreign