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The DryBuddyFLEX 3 is designed in USA.  Assembled in China.

©2020 by Enuresis Solutions, LLC

Enuresis Solutions, LLC

51 W. Fairmont Avenue, Suite 2

Savannah, GA 31406 USA


[email protected]

• The DryBuddy alarm is intended for use as a bed-wetting 

and enuresis alarm by children of age five and older, or as 

recommended by a medical authority. It can be used by older 
patients as a urine sensor and wetness  alarm and as an 
incontinence alarm.

• The DryBuddy system is a medical device and should be 

treated as such. Do not use roughly or damage.

• Do not use as a potty training aid for babies, toddlers and 

young children. 

• Make certain that no parts of the DryBuddy or sensor are put 

in the mouth for any reason as this could cause choking or 
other harm.

• Observe all sanitary precautions to keep the sensor clean and 

the alarm parts clean and dry. 

• Do not use the sensor for more than one user without 

thorough cleaning.

• Do not strike the magnetic sensor or cap on hard surfaces or 

make them hot as this can reduce magnetism.

• The DryBuddy system is designed to sense urine or salty 

water. It is less effective in sensing plain water.



Good Things Happen with DryBuddy

Raising the Standards for

Convenience, Performance and Value.

Caution when Using the DryBuddy System

Introduction & Quick-Use Instructions




DryBuddyFLEX 3 Quick-Use 



DryBuddyFLEX 3 Quick-Use 






Attaching the wireless Sensor to optional DryBuddy Wetness 
Sensing briefs:

1. The patient (child) wears the briefs.
2. The Sensor’s male snaps are inserted into the female 

snaps at the waist of the briefs and firmly attached.

3. The Velcro is firmly strapped around the Sensor to help keep it in 


Synchronizing allows the Sensor, Transceiver and optional Remote 
to recognize each other and work together. A DryBuddyFLEX 
3 system must be synchronized. A new system, consisting of a 

further synchronizing. Synchronizing is required whenever

• A NEW Transceiver, Sensor or Remote is to be used, or 

• Synchronization has been lost for any reason.

When detaching the sensor from the snaps on the briefs please hold 
the briefs at one sensor location and gently detach the sensor with 

the other hand. Do this for both snaps. Pulling the sensor off without 

holding the snaps on the briefs can damage the snaps and briefs.


 A new DryBuddyFLEX 3 system, consisting of a boxed 

Sensor, Transceiver and Remote, has been synchronized at the 
factory and is ready to use.

To synchronize:


Attach the Transceiver to its power supply, and confirm that 

the Transceiver is in its SLEEP state (Yellow light).

2. Press the Synch button on the side of the Transceiver. The 

light under the Power button on the Transceiver will become 

flashing BLUE. While the light is BLUE (15 seconds), the 

Sensor and Remote (if used) must be synchronized.

3. First trigger the Sensor.  This can be done by dipping both 

sensor magnets in a cup of salt water, or by pressing a clean 
and non-oily key or knife against both magnets. A beep will 

be heard and the light continues flashing BLUE. 

4. If a Remote 

is not

 being used, let the Blue light continue 

flashing. It will stop flashing within 15 seconds and the 

Transceiver light will turn GREEN.

5. If a Remote 


 being used, press the OFF button on the 

Remote while the BLUE light is flashing. Two beeps will be 

heard and the flashing BLUE light will turn GREEN.

Once the Transceiver light turns GREEN, the system is synchronized. If 
the synchronizing is not completed in the 15 seconds while the BLUE 

light is flashing, start the synchronizing process from the beginning. 

While synchronizing or using the DryBuddyFLEX system, please 
remember that triggering the Sensor makers it dormant for 2 
minutes. So please wait abut 2.5 minutes before attempting to use 
the Sensor again.

If the DryBuddyFLEX 3 is perceived to not work or has stopped working, 

please synchronize it first as it may have lost its synchronization. Without 

synchronizing, the DryBuddyFLEX 3 system will not work.

The DryBuddyFLEX 3 has many useful features which can be 
individually set and controlled by the user. Understanding the 

features can help to use them successfully. Significant relevant 

information about the DryBuddyFLEX 3 and its use is provided 
on under

Our Products 


 DryBuddyFLEX 3 


Please refer to the DryBuddyFLEX FAQ section in www.DryBuddy.
com for additional information, advice and many answered questions:  




 The feature-rich DryBuddyFLEX 3 is the most sophisticated 

bedwetting alarm available today. Please contact DryBuddy at 
1-912-352-8854 or [email protected] with any questions, 
comments or issues.

Synchronizing the DryBuddyFLEX 3 

System is necessary.

Other DryBuddyFLEX 3 Features, Controls and 


Please read the DryBuddyFLEX 3 Supplemental 

Instructions To Help in its Successful Use.


Attaching the wireless Magnetic Sensor to standard cotton briefs:

1.  The Sensor is attached on the outside of the briefs at the point 
of urination. Position the Sensor carefully on the briefs. The alarm 
will only alert when the material of the briefs at the gap between 
the two magnets is quickly wet.
2.  The stainless steel magnets point towards the body.
3.  The magnetic Cap is placed on the inside of the briefs and 
directly opposite the magnets so that the briefs are clamped 
between the Sensor and the Cap.
4.  With male briefs having a pouch, the Sensor should be placed 
inside the pouch with the magnets pointing towards the body.


Attaching the Wireless Magnetic Sensor

These provide additional insights and advice that can be very 
helpful in using the DryBuddyFLEX 3 system.

the devices synchronized at the factory and can be used without

Sensor, Transceiver and Remote packed in a box, comes with
