Drobo How-To Guide
Streaming Music from a Drobo 5N to a Sonos Wireless Hi-Fi System
drobo.com | Streaming Music from a Drobo 5N to a Sonos Wireless Hi-Fi System
Home Networking Basics
To stream music throughout your home, you need a network and an Internet connection. Since many Internet
gateway devices provided by the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have a built-in wireless router, a lot of homes
already have a network without even knowing it.
If you only have an Internet gateway device that is intended for a single computer, then all you need to do is install a
wireless router from a company like Linksys, Netgear, or D-Link. They are inexpensive and give you home a full-
fledged wired and wireless network. You can then connect any wireless device or device with an Ethernet port, giving
them Internet access and the ability to share data within the home. Sonos accessing data off of a network-connected
Drobo is one example of this.
Put Music on the Drobo
Whether your music is organized inside a large folder or contained in an iTunes library, it just has to exist somewhere
on your Drobo for Sonos to be able to access it. In this example, I’m creating a new share on a Drobo 5N called
“Music” and am copying a few albums to it.
If your music already exists on the Drobo, this section can be skipped.
In the left navigation, click
, and then click
Share Settings