Operating the Dragon
inspecting before operation
WARNING! Before starting the Dragon:
• Check for any fuel leaks around the fuel tank or fuel
li nes.
• Check for nearby hazards like combustible materials
or flammable vapor sources.
• Check the power cord for damage.
Correct these and any other safety hazards before
starting the Dragon.
Starting the Dragon
t Check the fuel tank. If needed, add diesel fuel to the
fuel tank. Do not overfill. See 'Fuel Type." p. 2, for
recommended fuels.
2. With the ducting secured. plug in the power cord into
a suitable outlet
3. Turn the CONTROL KNOB (Fig. 1, C)) to the "manual"
4. If you wish to use the Dragon in thermostat mode,
place the thermostat sensor in the target area, and
select "Thermostat" with the CONTROL KNOB.
CAUTION. Monitor the settings on the Dragon and
conditions in the structure at least once a day during
Controlling the
The Dragon is equipped with a remote thermostat that
can be used to control the temperature in the target
area. To use the Dragon in thermostat mode, set the
desired temperature on the thermostat control and place
the control in the target area.
The Dragon may operated without the thermostat by
selecting "Manual" with the CONTROL KNOB.
Shutting the Dragon Off
Turn the CONTROL KNOB to the "Off' position.
CAUTION: Do not unplug the unit or otherwise turn off
the power until the fan stops operating. Failure to let the
unit complete the cooling cycle could damage the heat
exchanger and will not be covered under warranty.
Special Instructions
Bleeding the fuel line
In certain circumstances air may accumulate in the fuel
li ne and prevent proper operation. To remove air from
the fuel line. follow these steps:
Supplies needed: Yi in. i.d.
6 ft. clear plastic hose.
receptacle for fuel, rags or cloths to clean up any spills.
wrenches and screwdriver,
1. Turn the CONTROL KNOB to the 'Off position.
2. Open hood. Be sure to secure it with the retention
cable provided,
3, Loosen (but do not remove) purge valve with a
wrench. Attach a clear plastic hose over the purcge
valve and place the end in a suitable receptacle on
the ground.
4. Turn CONTROL KNOB to the "Manual" position. The
fuel pump will run for approximately 20 seconds, and
a mixture of fuel and air will flow through the plastic
5. Press BURNER RESET BUTTON (Fig. 1, G) to
repeat the purge process. Repeat until the fuel flows
free of air bubbles.
6. Remove plastic hose and retighten bleed valve.
7. Close hood. The Dragon may now be operated
Adjusting for Altitude
The combustion air intake control for the furnace is
factory set for operation at altitudes ranging from sea
level up to 5000 ft. (1500m). To assure proper operation
and maximum performance at higher altitudes, t is
necessary to adjust the combustion air/fuel mixture.
The best guide to proper air/fuel mixture is exhaust
color. The Dragon exhaust should always be clear.
Black or white smoke indicates an improper air/fuel
a) If the exhaust is clear, no adjustment is needed,
b) If the smoke is dark or black, there is not enough
air in the mixture.
c) If the smoke is white, there is too much air and not
enough fuel in the mixture. or there is water in the fuel
If the smoke color is either black or white, follow
these steps to adjust the air/fuel ratio.
a) A
corrects for black smoke
more air into the combustion chamber);
b) A
corrects for white smoke
less air).
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