R699751 - DreamScaler3 User Manual
Change the Frame rate from 50Hz to 60 Hz:
Output Setup
Frame Rate
59.94 by using the Up button.
The Output Signal sent to your display would have a 59.94Hz frame rate, using the 1080p60 Output Format.
The picture is green when I use the analog output of the DreamScaler3.
A green picture usually means that a component video signal is being sent to the RGBHV input of a display. Follow
the instructions earlier in the user guide to setup your DreamScaler3 to work with a display with RGBHV inputs
No picture when I connect the DreamScaler3 to the HDMI input of my display.
The default output from the DreamScaler3 is digital RGB 4:4:4 (DVI Standard). Make sure that the display that you
are connected to is HDCP compliant.
The Blue status LED blinks on the front panel of the DreamScaler3.
A blinking blue light on the DreamScaler3 means that the scaler is processing an HDCP-protected signal, but is
unable to authenticate with the display. Verify that your display is HDCP compliant. If it is not HDCP compliant, use
component connections. If the display is compliant, then verify that the ‘HDCP mode’ is set to ‘On’ in the ‘Input
Adjust’ and ‘Output Setup’ menus. If the problem persists, check the cabling and try new cables, if possible or try
cycling the power on your display or HDCP source.
The Green status LED blinks on the front panel of the DreamScaler3.
The LED on the DreamScaler3 blinks green when it is passing a copy protected signal to a non-HDCP display. If
your display is not HDCP compliant, then the image won’t be displayed. Use component connections from your
source to your DreamScaler3 instead.
Will I lose the settings on my DreamScaler3 if I update the software version.
Currently, the DreamScaler3 may lose its settings when a software update is performed.
Take note of your output settings before updating the software version on your unit.