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4.6.1 Lost or Stolen Instrument
If the TrueX analyzer is lost or stolen, notify your Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
or the equivalent responsible individual at your company or institution immediately.
Your company's RSO, as well as other important emergency contacts, are listed below.
Your company RSO may need to notify the X-ray tube regulatory authority and the
local police. It is also recommended that a notification is made to Drawell.
4.6.2 Damaged Instrument
Minor Damage
If the instrument is intact but there is indication of an unsafe condition such as a
cracked case, a shutter mechanism failure, or the lights remain flashing after a
measurement is terminated, follow these steps:
1. Stop using the instrument
2. Remove the battery. The x-ray tube cannot produce radiation when the battery
is disconnected. The instrument is now safe to handle.
3. Place the instrument securely in the holster
4. Place the instrument in the carrying case that came with the instrument.
5. Notify your Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) or the equivalent responsible
individual at your company or institution immediately.
6. You or your RSO should call Drawell at one of their contact numbers listed
below for additional instructions and guidance.
Major damage
If the instrument is severely damaged:
1. Perform the same steps as described above for minor damage. There will be no
radiation hazard as long as the battery is removed from the instrument.
2. Place all components in a plastic bag and contact Drawell.