Service requirements
Your scheduled services will be set to the day of installation,
called the anniversary date. For example, if the Dräger
Interlock® 7XXX is installed on the 23rd of January, the next
service date will be set to the 23rd of February.
At each service, your next anniversary date will be
programmed into the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX. The display
will show a reminder message 7 days before your service
is required, warning you that the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX
is due. You are given an additional 7 days grace after your
service date. If your Dräger Interlock® 7XXX is not serviced
within this time, it will enter into a permanent lockout state.
If you have your alcohol interlock serviced during the 7
days grace, your next service date will be set back to the
anniversary date. If the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX is not
serviced within this time a permanent lockout will occur.
This will require you to either request a Service Unlock
Code, or have your vehicle towed to the Service Centre.
Both will be at your expense.
Removal requirements
The Dräger Interlock® 7XXX can be removed upon approval
from the Department of Transport and Main Roads or any
time at your request.
Emergency contacts
All calls are logged, and resulting actions recorded. Please
note that emergency calls resulting from actions caused
by you acting outside the parameters of the program will
be at additional costs and payment prior to a service will
be requested. Only services relating to faulty equipment or
installation, where evidence of tampering, misuse, abuse,
neglect or vehicle accident is not apparent will be free of
charge. However, it is your responsibility to bring the vehicle
with the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX to the Service Centre.