Violation reset
Excessive violations will cause the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX
to require a service earlier than scheduled and may result
in program extensions. To avoid Violation Resets, it is
important that you adhere to the program rules.
A “
” can be caused by:
– Failed breath tests.
– Retests that are not presented within 7 minutes.
– Power loss / battery disconnection of greater than 20
– Tampering with the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX.
– Trying to circumvent the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX.
If you see “
Device Lockout in 7 days
”, you need to contact
your Service Agent to have the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX
serviced. For example, you may be due for a service in 18
days, but violations caused by continually ignoring retest
requests has brought your service date forward. Failure to
service the device within the displayed time will result in a
permanent lockout.
Service requirements
The first scheduled service will be one month after the
installation of the Dräger Interlock® 7XXX. Subsequent
servicing will be required at three monthly intervals. The
following services are included in your fees and will occur
at each service:
– Check seals for tampering.
– Check for misuse, abuse or neglect of the unit.
– Download of data for Department of Transport and
Main Roads.
– Test equipment is functioning correctly.
This will take approximately 15 minutes to complete
(20 minutes if a calibration is required).