Storage temperature:
Storage humidity:
10%~95%RH maximum
Dimensions :
135× 115× 72 ±1.0 mm
Weight :
540 g±5g (including batteries and cuff)
Cuff pressure display range:
Electrical shock protection:
Internal power unit
Safety classifications:
Type B equipment
Mode of operation:
Continuous operation
Protection against ingress of
M-size Cuff , 4 “AA” batteries, instruction manual ,warranty card
Please be noticed the power adapter is not supplied from the origin, users can buy the adapter in the market
which must comply to EN60601-1, EN60601-1-2
Manufacturer's Declaration
Afib Talk is intended for use in the electromagnetic environment specified below. The customer or the user of
this device should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Electromagnetic Emissions: (IEC60601-1-2)
Emission Test
Electromagnetic Environment
RF emission CISPR 11
Group 1
Afib Talk uses RF energy only for internal functions.
Therefore, this RF emission is extremely weak and
there is little chance of it creating any kind of
interference whatsoever with nearby electronic
RF emissions CISPR 11
Class B
Afib Talk is suitable for use in all establishments,
including domestic establishments and those directly
connected to the public low voltage power supply
network that supplies buildings used for domestic
Harmonic emissions IEC
Not applicable
Voltage fluctuations/flicker IEC
Not applicable