TTY Interface
Fig. 6
The TTY interface initial configuration screen
The TTY interface is the SiteDialer's built-in interface text terminal interface, used for basic
configuration. From the TTY Interface, you can configure your SiteDialer's Ethernet port settings and
view debug information. For more advanced configuration options, use the SiteDialerEdit software.
You can access the TTY interface:
via craft serial connection (using the settings in the
...via Craft Port
subsection of this chapter)
over IP address on
Port 2002
. SiteDialer Telnet sessions are established on port 2002 as a security
For more instructions on initially connecting to your SiteDialer's TTY connecting to your SiteDialer to
access the TTY interface, see the
Initial Configuration
section of this manual.
The TTY default password is
Navigating the TTY Interface:
The capitalized letters in each menu option, before, or enclosed in, parentheses ( ), are menu shortcut
keys. Press a shortcut key to access a menu option. The ESC key will always bring you back to the
previous menu level. Entries are not case sensitive.