Operating Manual
© Dürr Systems AG
126 / 156
EcoBell2 SL EC - Rotating Atomizer with External Charging
Document No.: MRA00001EN
Version:: 07
As of:: 01/2020
Fig. 378: Installing the shaft detent
Insert the shaft detent.
Screw the lid tight.
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Installing the main needle valve
The main needle valve is located in the valve block.
The clamping device must be removed before the main needle valve
can be removed. For information about dismantling the clamping
device see chapter “Removing fiber-optic cables”.
All channels controlled by the valve should be rinsed and dry.
Removing the main needle valve
The main needle valve is covered by a lid. To remove the main needle
valve, the lid must be removed first.
• Remove two screws of the lid.
Fig. 79: Back of the valve block
Screws on lid
• Remove the lid.
• Use a socket wrench to remove the main needle valve from the
valve block.