Engine Air Filtration
Always Clean the Inside of the Housing
Dirt left in the air cleaner housing is harmful to your engine.
Use a clean, damp cloth to wipe the inside of the housing
before fitting the new filter.
Block the outlet tube of the air cleaner with a small
dampened towel prior to cleaning the seal surface to
avoid contaminating the induction system.
Clean the Gasket Sealing Surfaces
An improper gasket seal is one of the most common
causes of engine contamination. Make sure that all
hardened dirt ridges are completely removed, both on the
bottom and top of the air cleaner housing.
Inspect Your Old Filter and Check for
Uneven Dirt Patterns
Your old filter has valuable clues to dust leakage or gasket
sealing problems. A dust pattern on the filter’s clean side
is a sign that the old filter was not firmly sealed or that a
dust leak exists. Identify the cause of any leak and rectify it
before installing a new filter.
Inspect New Filters
Before installing the new filters, visually inspect them for
shipping damage and gasket integrity. If a filter is damaged,
do not install it. If desired, write the date of the filter
change on the outer end of the filter end cap.
Install the New Filters
First, if you’re servicing the safety filter at this change-out,
seat it properly into position before installing the primary
filter. Insert new filters carefully over the center bolt, hand
tighten wing nut bolt for both filters.
Make sure the primary filter gasket seats evenly to create
a proper seal. If you don’t have a good seal, dirty air can
by-pass the filter.
Ensure an Air-tight Fit on all
Connections and Ducts
Check that all clamps and flange joints are tight, as well
as the air cleaner mounting bolts. Attend to any leaks
immediately to avoid dirt entering your engine directly.
Reset the filter service indicator.
FTG & FVG Air Cleaners
Service Instructions