72LP - 252LP Baghouse
Product Service
1. Monitor the physical condition of the collector and repair or replace any damaged components.
Routine inspections will minimize downtime and maintain optimum system performance. This is particularly important on
continuous-duty applications.
Monitor pressure drop across filters.
3. Abnormal changes in pressure drop may indicate a change in operating conditions and possibly a fault to be corrected.
Check the following items at the recommended intervals shown below.
Typical Condition
Pressure Drop
Between 1-in and 6-in
Typical Condition
CAP Condition
Interior is clean and all filters seated
Involute inlet
No significant wear spots
Access door seals
Door seals intact, remains pliable, with no indication of air bypass
Cleaning arm drive
Operates smoothly with no noise
Monitor thickness of wear material on the
cleaning sled
Look for filter cages not fully inserted into tube sheet
Cleaning arm drive chain
Clean and properly tensioned
Arm gearbox oil
Gearbox oil level is at the proper level and not excessively dirty
Explosion vents
Vents are free of obstructions and are mechanically sound and sealed with no
evidence of air, water, or dust leakage.
Rotary Airlock (RAL) or discharge device
No air bypass during operation and no unusual noises
Motor rotation direction
Matches indicating arrows
If any items are not matching typical condition refer to the troubleshooting and service section. This list is not an all inclusive preventative maintenance schedule and site
specific equipment, regulations and conditions. This list is only meant to be an end user reference to develop a site specific preventative maintenance schedule.
During service activities there is some potential for exposure to the dust in the collector. Most dusts present safety
and health hazards that require precautions. Wear eye, respiratory, head and other protection equipment suitable for
the type of dust when performing any service activities.
Use appropriate access equipment and procedures. Note the standard collector is not equipped with access
platforms unless noted on the specification drawings.
LOCK-OUT all energy sources prior to performing any service or maintenance on the equipment.
Electrical service or maintenance work must be performed by a qualified electrician and comply with all applicable
national and local codes.
Operational Checklist