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REV. 2016-01
1. The first 5 years:
If, during this 5-
year period, and in the course of a normal
use, a component part of the fireplace
becomes defective due to a material or
workmanship defect, this part will be
replaced or, at our discretion, repaired
free of charge. The following parts are
excluded from this warranty:
Any fireplace modified,
altered or containing substituted
c o m p o n e n t s o r w h e n t h e
instructions for installation,
operation or maintenance have not
been followed.
1.4 Gaskets:
Fireplace gaskets are
The duration of the warranty on any
warranted for 90 days following the part that is the object of a claim must
date of purchase.
never exceed the total duration of the
original warranty of the part shipped with
2. 20-Year Replacement Plan:
After the fireplace.
the expiration of the first 5 years, and for
an additional 20 years period following
9. Draft and smoke returns:
All Don-
the date of purchase, we will ship (at the Bar fireplaces are designed and tested to
exception of transport expenses and operate with a positive draft, without
1.1 Hearth back plate, smoke
parts described in the articles 1.1, 1.2, smoke returns, when installed according
deflector, HE deflector system,
1.3 and 1.4) any defective part for a price
to the manu fact urer 's inst ruct ions .
grate, ash drawer/tray, wood
not exceeding 50% of its retail price.
Smoke returns caused by environmental
basket, fireguard, refractories,
factors (negative pressure, lack of air,
metal fire screen, BBQ grill, 3
. These warranties shall never be turbulence, etc.) are not covered by the
electric fan blower:
Being subject
interpreted as covering workmanship on present warranty.
to high temperatures, these parts site. Don-Bar takes no responsibility for
may have to be replaced from time to damages to the building following the
The warranty does not cover:
time; this is regarded as normal repair or the replacement of any part
maintenance. However, all the
10.1 Broken glass
covered by the warranty.
original parts shipped with the
10.2 Damages caused by a
fireplace are warranted against
chimney fire;
No representative, employee or agent
material or workmanship defects for
10.3 Shipping damages not
of Don-Bar is authorized to change or
1 year following the date of
reported on delivery;
extend the present warranty.
10.4 Faulty installation;
10.5 Damages caused by
The warranty is valid only if the
1.2 Chimney:
Since the chimney
abnormal or abusive use.
installation, the operation, and the
and its components are not
maintenance of the fireplace have been
manufactured by Don-Bar, please done in accordance with the fireplace
refer to the warranty of the chimney manufacturer written instructions.
manufacturer for any claim about it.
Don-Bar takes no responsibility for any
1.3 Fireplace paint finish:
The damage to the fireplace, the chimney or
fireplace is painted with a high the building if fireplace repairs done by
temperature paint that needs to be
11. Caution:
Improper operation or lack
third parties are executed with non
freshen up from time to time.
of maintenance can endanger your
original parts.
However, the original finish applied
to the fireplace is warranted for 1
Any part that is the object of a claim in
year following the date of purchase.
12. Send any communication or claim to
accordance with the present warranty
The warranty is limited to the supply
the following address:
must by returned to the shop (transport
of the paint required for repainting prepaid) with a proof of purchase. All
the fireplace.
Foyers Don-Bar Fireplaces, inc.
returns must be approved by the
741, St-Vallier Ouest, Québec,
manufacturer before shipping.
(Quebec) Canada G6V 3N9
Phone: 418-686-9114
Fax: 418-686-9117
Website: www.don-bar.com
Email: [email protected]