10. Fireplace finishing
12. Combustible mantel
13. Anti-smoke flap
14. 7. Exterior air intake (optional)
11. Floor protection installation
consist of:
Stone tiles or slabs (marble, granite, slate,
10.2 Ventilated frame:
Prior to framing, install
etc.) or ceramic at least 3/8" (8 mm) thick,
temporarily the ventilated frame around the insert
secured in place;
in order to facilitate the taking of the
measurements. Leave a 1/8" (3 mm) air space
Concrete or terra-cotta brick, secured in
between the ventilated frame and the framing to
accommodate metal expansion.
For temporary floor protection, a sheet of
10.3 Non combustible cement boards (Durok
metal of at least 0.015" (0,38 mm) thickness
or Unifix):
The finishing around the ventilated
or a non-combustible composite cement
frame shall be done with non combustible cement
board (Durok or Unifix type) of at least 3/8"
boards only, Durox, Unifix or equal. These boards
(10 mm) thickness may be used.
shall not contain wood fibre particles
The non combustible finishing shall extend at
11.2 Removing the existing resilient flooring:
least 8" (200 m m ) o n e a c h s i d e s o f t h e
Prior to installing the floor protection, remove
ventilated frame, at least 18" (460 mm) over and
any existing resilient flooring. (carpet, etc.)
3" (75 mm) below at floor. The joints can be
finished like ordinarily gypsum boards joints or
alternatively, covered with ceramic tiles, marble,
12.1 Required clearances:
Drawing 12
the required minimum clearances if a combustible
fireplace mantel is to be installed.
13.1 Anti-smoke flap (optional):
For installation
10.5 Gypsum
details, see
Drawing 27.
1 4 . 1 O u t s i d e a i r i n t a k e ( D r a w i n g 7 )
IMPORTANT: The air intake must take air
directly from the outside and not be connected to
an attic or a garage or another interior space
11.1 Non combustible floor protection:
under negative pressure.
the fireplace is installed on a combustible floor, a
non-combustible protection must be placed under
and in front of the fireplace to protect the floor
from falling embers
(Drawing 9).
A metal strip of
5" wide (115 mm) must be inserted half and half
under the insulated case and under the floor
protection. In addition, the joints of the floor
protection shall be perfectly fitted or filled with
grout. The floor protection must extend at least
18" (460 mm) in front of the fireplace door and
8" (200 mm) on each side. Floor protection may
Fixing cement boards against the
insulated case:
Above the fireplace door, the
cement boards shall be screwed directly against
the insulated case (no air space) to prevent warm
air from seeping between the box and finishing.
board finish
: With the exception
of the parts to be protected by incombustible
cement boards indicated in 10.3, the framing of
the fireplace can be covered with gypsum boards.
Finish the joints as usual.
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REV. 2016-01