Pin
Left
Hand
Torsion
Shown
Turn
or
Top
Casting
To
Align
Slots
In
End
Cap
With
Pin
895(X)0(X)(X).400(X)
Power
Patio
Awning
Installation
Instructions
Slots
In
End
Cap
Cotter
Pin
Insert
Cotter
Pin
All
The
Way
Through
End
Cap
And
Hole
In
Torsion
Rod
e.
Attach
crank
adapter
(3308335.011)
with
1/4-
screw
and
pin
crank
(3308335.003)
as
shown
on
10.
(Crank
&
adapter
supplied
in
3308334.006U
Torsion
Winder
Kit.)
Crank
#3308335.003
Pin
1/4-20
1/2"
Hex
Mach.
Set
Screw
(Thru
Rear)
f.
Keep
a
tight
hold
onto
the
crank
while
the
cot-
ter
pin
is
pulled
out
of
the
end
cap.
g.
Slowly
unwind
spring
tension
by
allowing
the
spring
to
unwind
counter
clockwise.
Torsion
will
want
to
unwind
by
itself.
Caution
should
be
taken
to
prevent
rapid
unwind.
h.
Once
spring
is
free,
position
of
top
casting
should
be
noted
for
starting
position.
i.
Slowly
wind
the
spring
tension
clockwise
eight
(8)
complete
turns.
j.
Reinsert
cotter
pin
through
end
cap
and
tor-
sion
rod.
See
9.
k.
Remove
crank
from
top
casting
in
arm
as-
sembly.
l.
Reinsert
top
casting
into
arm
assembly.
m.
Replace
hex
head
1/4-20
x
3/4”
screw
that
attaches
arm
assembly
to
top
casting.
n.
Remove
nylon
tie
and
wood
block.
o.
Remove
cotter
key
before
attempting
to
oper-
ate
awning.
p.
Cycle
the
awning
again
and
verify
awning
stops
extending
when
switch
is
released.
Adapter
#3308335.011
Top
Casting
End
Cap