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Playing of MP3 and JPEG when the
NO MENU option is selected.
Press PLAY when the player has read the
disc. When playing, user can only press
previous, Next or 0-9, +10 numeric button
to choose songs. Press Stop, previous
appears. Cannot use
to choose
songs, and use only 0-9, +10 to play.
(e.g. song or picture No 19, press +10
first, then 9, and player will play the 19th
song or picture. song and picture No28,
press+l0 twice, then S. and press +10
over 10 times to choose songs or pictures
over N0.100). Invalid if input number over
the number of disc's songs or pictures.
MP3 and JPEG when the option
WITH MENU is active.
Select the option WITH MENU.
Reproduction with menu:
Select the option you want: files
JPEG or files MP3.
1. After carrying out the selection,
the folder shows all the files it contains.
2. When the folder that contains the
required images or songs, press
, or 0-
9 or +10 to select the images or desired
songs. Press PLAY or ENTER to begin the
3. Select “O” to move up a folder.
Press REPEAT to select mode from the
seven different modes.
FOLDER: plays songs or images in order.
REP-ONE: plays one song or image
FOLDER REPEAT: plays all the songs or
images in the folder repeatedly in order.