1. From the phone , tap this sequence:
2. Scroll down, and then tap
Conferencing app
4.3 Support contacts
If you have a problem, we recommend that you review this document and the related
documentation. If you cannot troubleshoot the problem on your own, contact PGi for support.
For additional information and support:
(if included with your account).
You can also send an email directly to iMeet Care:
North America:
4.4 Manually overriding DHCP assigned DNS settings
If you want to use another set of DNS settings, or if you do not have a valid DNS configuration,
you can manually override the DHCP-assigned DNS settings.
About this task
You can manually assign the domain name, the DNS server address, and the alternative DNS
server address.
When dual VLAN configuration is enabled, manual override is available only on the
primary VLAN.
For more information, see the
Dolby Conference Phone Administrator's Guide .
1. From the phone home screen, tap this sequence:
Administrative Settings
2. Enter the administrator password, and tap
3. Select
Network configuration
IP network
Dolby Conference Phone version 4.1 Configuration Guide for iMeet
5 October 2018