6. If your dog retreats to the Safety Zone, drop the leash (but keep it within reach) and
reintroduce the distraction. Praise and play.
7. If your dog is afraid to move, tug him back into the Safety Zone. Continue to train
with distractions for 2 to 5 days.
Remember: Play and praise at the end of each training session.
PHASE 5 (2-5 days)
Letting Your Dog Off The Leash
1. Put the DogWatch receiver collar on your dog at least 20 minutes before going
outside to train.
2. Clip on the green DogWatch training lead to your dog’s regular collar and take him
outside and play a few minutes in the Safety Zone. Remove the training leash and
let him run freely in the yard. Shake the flags to reinforce where his boundary is.
3. Important: Your dog will expand his comfort level over a period of time. Your dog
should remain about 6 feet away from the flags when he is first let off the leash.
Gradually your dog’s safety zone will increase to his individual level of comfort.
Remove the flags, every other one, every other day.
What To Expect Off Leash
1. Your dog will run toward the flags, see them and stop.
2. Your dog will run into the system, hear the “beep” warning and retreat.
3. Your dog will run into the system, hear the “beep” warning, receive a correction,
and retreat.
4. In rare cases, your dog will run through the boundary.
- Retrieve the dog. Take off the receiver collar and walk him back into the yard.
- Bring the dog into the house and call your DogWatch Dealer. Additional flag
training or an increase in correction level is necessary. Your DogWatch Dealer will
instruct you over the phone or meet with you and your dog for additional training.
Important: Do not punish the dog verbally for making errors. He’s still learning!
PHASE 6 (2-5 days)
Taking Your Dog Outside The Boundary
Your dealer will recommend when it is time to take your dog across the boundary for a
walk. It is important to be consistent when taking your dog for a walk. Be sure to use
your dog’s regular collar and leash and go to and from your walk using the same “exit”
area. You can also pick up a small dog and carry him over the flagged boundary
during the first weeks of training.