2044CL-O-EVS, 300 Clip Instant Access System, Odetics Protocol
Getting Started . . .
The 2044CL system includes DNF’s most robust controller, the ST400, with the industry’s
premiere Shotbox, the ST420.
The ST400 controls up to 6 video channels individually or ganged. It features full transport
The LCD buttons on the Shotbox display clip names and delivery instant access to video clips on
up to 6 channels.
The assign-able keys on the ST420 Shotbox allow clip names to be organized on ten different
banks of keys for easy access.
The 2044CL provides instant access to fill clip and key clip combinations with the press of one
The 2044CL-O-EVS supports Odetics Broadcast protocol and requires that the Video Server be
controllable under Odetics Broadcast Protocol.
Throughout this document, DDR, VDR & Video Server will be referred to collectively as
“Video Server.”
The ST400-S/SM will be referred to as ST400.
The ST420 SHOTBOX will be referred to as “Shotbox.”
SHOTKEY refers to the 1-30 switches on the Shotbox.
Words surrounded by brackets, for example, [
], are keys on the ST400 or the
] + [
] means hold the two keys down simultaneously.
The 6 keys directly below the display are referred to as “Softkey.” Their function changes as
indicated on the last line of the display.
Shotkeys and Cue Points refer to the same memory locations. Both terms are interchangeable.