Rev. 1.7 (May 2018) 2 © DLP Design, Inc.
The four jumpers provided on the DLP-RFID-LP8C module are used to select between the USB and
Rs232 interfaces. For RS232 interface operation, move the three jumpers to the RS and RS232
positions and remove JP3. For USB operation, move the three jumpers to the USB position and add
jumper JP3.
If using the RS232 interface, connect the J3 wiring terminals to ±8V to ±12V serial signals typically found
in the DB9, RS232 port connectors on a host PC. An external, regulated 5 volt power source must also
be connected to J2.
If using USB, simply connect the DLP-RFID-LP8C to a host PC using the 5-pin mini-B USB connector
CN1 and a compatible USB cable. All power and data are provided via the USB cable.
The serial interface for the DLP-RFID-LP8C operates at 115,200 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and
1 stop bit.
A demonstration GUI is provided with the purchase of a DLP-RFID-LP8C module that demonstrates the
communications protocols. Using the Virtual COM Port USB drivers, the DLP-RFID-LP8C appears to the
host PC (Windows, Linux, Mac) as an RS232 port. The GUI presents the actual control packets sent,
and the reply data coming back from the DLP-RFID-LP8C as an aid to the software developer.
The demonstration GUI is available as a free download from the DLP Design website. The URL for the
download page is printed on the outer packaging of the DLP-RFID-LP8C.