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If using 900 Mhz, this is on cell phone frequency. If a cell tower is nearby it can
swamp the signal. 900 Mhz may not be usable in that area. Change to a different freq.
or remain closer to the AV
Fail-safes can be set such that in the event of low battery power, either due to a failure
or too long of a flight, the warning light on the AV will constantly flash amber. This is
the first level of warning.
The second warning level is red flashing lights
Auto landing will occur when battery power is low. It may land in a tree or a lake, so
this is not desirable.
Landing with 80-90% of battery depleted is best. Therefore landing with 17,000 mah
used and 3,000 mah remaining of a 20,000 mah battery is desirable. Batteries should
be drawn down equally when in use if they are both charged equally and both in
relatively the same condition/age.
Do not mix partially charged batteries. Only use completely charged batteries.
Over discharging a battery below 19.8V can permanently damage the battery.
Takeover by the external pilot should happen ASAP using the RC link.
Most often happens due to a low battery.
Keep a spare 3 cell LiPoly battery with the appropriate plug to plug into the charge
jack for emergency use. Most chargers are 19V output which is roughly equivalent to
a 4-cell battery. 3-cell batteries may work.
If the compass is out of calibration the warning light will flash red. This is the same
signal as low voltage. If the voltage is correct, there is a calibration error.
Recalibrate the compass following the instruction manual
Fires can occur due to a short circuit or battery failure.
Disconnect the battery ASAP unless there is danger in doing so if there is any
electrical issue.
It is not possible to put out a battery fire.
Do not attempt to put out a battery fire. Use a fire extinguisher to put out fires
surrounding the battery. A CO2 fire extinguisher is better than the powder or chemical
type. CO2 does not leave a residue. Water can be used though it may cause other
electrical component failures.
If alternate emergency landing zones should be chosen ahead of time.
Be sure that the LZ is clear of people to avoid any incidents.
Land in the nearest LZ which is clear of people.
Announce your intentions of landing as loud as necessary to alert people of the
incoming AV.