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Control Mode
Connection Settings
Broadcast Mode
3. Once linked, the remote monitor will show a connected status, the control monitor A/B on the
Ronin 4D main monitor will have a connected status, and the linking status indicator on the
video transmitter will glow solid green.
Broadcast Mode
1. Using Ronin 4D: enable Broadcast Mode in Transmission settings on the Ronin 4D High-Bright
Main Monitor. Make sure that at least one remote monitor is powered on and connected to
Ronin 4D before enabling Broadcast mode.
Using DJI Video Transmitter: enable Broadcast mode in the menu on the video transmitter.
2. Power on the remote monitor. Tap to enter System Menu and then Connection Settings.
Select Broadcast Mode and the monitor will automatically search for nearby devices with
Broadcast mode enabled. Tap a device to monitor and the live view from the corresponding
device will display on the remote monitor. Tap the camera number on the right side of the
screen to refresh the live view or switch between the monitored devices.