DJI Mavic 3E/3T
User Manual
2022 DJI All Rights Reserved.
Aircraft Status Indicator
DJI Mavic 3E/3T has front LEDs and aircraft status indicators.
When the aircraft is powered on, but the motors are not running, the front LEDs glow solid
red to display the orientation of the aircraft.
When the aircraft is powered on, but the motors are not running,
the aircraft status
indicators will display the current status of the flight control system. Refer to the table
below for more information about the aircraft status indicators.
Normal States
Blinks red, yellow, and green
Powering on and performing self-
diagnostic tests
Blinks yellow four times
Warming up
Blinks green slowly
GNSS enabled
Blinks green twice repeatedly Vision systems enabled
Blinks yellow slowly
GNSS and vision systems disabled (ATTI
mode enabled)
Warning States
Blinks yellow quickly
Remote controller signal lost
Blinks red slowly
Takeoff is disabled, e.g. low battery*
Blinks red quickly
Critically low battery
Solid Red
Critical error
Blinks red and yellow
Compass calibration required
* If the aircraft cannot takeoff while the status indicators are blinking red slowly, connect to the remote
controller, run DJI Pilot 2, and view the details.
After the motor starts,
the front LEDs blink red and green alternately, and the aircraft
status indicators blink green.
Aircraft Status Indicators Descriptions
Front LED
Aircraft Status Indicator
Front LED
Aircraft Status